Governor Greitens Visits Warrensburg Veterans Home


Date: Feb. 16, 2018

Yesterday, Governor Eric Greitens met with veterans, staff, family, and community members at the Warrensburg Veterans Home to discuss efforts to protect Missouri veterans and ensure they get the quality care they deserve.

The Governor presented a proclamation to the Home, commending them for the excellent care being provided. In the recent investigations ordered by the Governor into Missouri's Veterans Homes, there were several recommendations for improving care in the system. Warrensburg stood out as a positive example: 95% of the comments collected by investigators in interviews with staff and veterans were positive.

The Governor announced that Eric Endsley, the administrator of the Warrensburg Home, is now serving as the interim Homes Director--overseeing all of the Veterans Homes in the state.

The Governor released the following statement:

"Veterans deserve quality care, and that's why we're protecting our veterans from government failure, supporting the families and caregivers that love them, and ensuring that they are treated with respect and dignity every day.

When our independent investigation into the St. Louis Veterans Home showed serious problems that were being ignored by the people at the top, we took action. We went straight to the Home, and I said that I wouldn't tolerate big government failing our veterans. We took action to replace the previous leaders, and we brought in leaders who we knew would get results.

In Warrensburg, the Veterans Home is running well. Yesterday, I met with veterans, family members, and staff who are capable, caring, and love the veterans they work with every day.

We are proud to be fighting for our veterans, and grateful for the chance to be with them."

For more details on the investigation into Missouri's Veterans Homes, the findings of the report can be read
